The Salt Creep: A Marine Aquarium Maintenance Checklist
A saltwater tank requires more maintenance than a freshwater tank. Check out this marine aquarium maintenance checklist!
Aquascaping is an art. This article lays out the basics of plant layout, gravel selection, coral suggestions, and other decorations.
Our fish tank recommendations cover proper care and setup for a home aquarium. Learn tips for specific tank shapes and sizes.
Aquarium Setup Guide
Aquarium setup requires time and commitment. Here are the basics for making your tank thrive!
Fish Selection & Stocking Guide
Choosing pet fish is an important but difficult process. Here are some tips for picking the best available specimens!
Aquarium filtration makes all the difference between healthy fish and poorly-kept fish. Here's what you need to know to keep your tank in shape!
Livebearers Unlimited: Fancy Livebearers 101
Fancy livebearers are a great addition to any tank. Here are some of our favorite live-bearing fish.
The Skeptical Fishkeeper: Compatibility
The path to a peaceful community tank depends on your specimens. We've laid out some guidelines here to finding fish compatibility.
Fish Selection & Stocking Guide
Choosing pet fish is an important but difficult process. Here are some tips for picking the best available specimens!
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